We’re delighted to announce that HG Construction will be working with Landsec on a new affordable housing scheme at Castle Lane.
This development will involve the refurbishment, alteration and an extension to the North, South, Alexandra and Mews Buildings at 2-4 Castle Lane for use as affordable housing, comprising 88 new one, two and three bedroom homes. The works will include the creation of balconies, construction of cycle and refuse stores, a lift and staircase to the rear of the North Building, soft and hard landscaping including a children’s play area, cycle parking and other associated works.
The scheme also includes the development of a single residential dwelling at 45 Palace Street, formerly the Castle Lane Working Men’s Club.
The sensitive restoration of the Victorian façades will form a key part of this project, ensuring that the development is in keeping with the heritage of the local area.
We are excited to be breathing new life into these buildings and will share updates along the construction journey.